Weight & Measures

Quantitative Program

This is the traditional function of Weights and Measures, which is to provide consumer protection in terms of weight, measure or count in the sale of commodities.  Under this program the department inspects and tests all commercially used weighing and measuring devices for legal compliance.  Packaged commodities sold by weight, measure or count are randomly inspected and related consumer complaints are investigated.

It has been department policy to engage in the following non-mandated activities when deemed appropriate:

  1. Test non-commercially used weighing and measuring devices for the public sector.
  2. Evaluate, advise and, when appropriate, make referrals related to weights and measures inquiries and problems for both public and private sectors.
IndicatorsPercent Mandated Inspections Done*
Quantitative Program Actual 2011 Estimated 2012 Estimated 2013
Devices Used for Price Determination TYPE Annual Inspections Mandated Each Device      
Scales 1 75 70 70
Liquid Measure 1 62 70 70
Other Commercial 1 50 60 60
Package Control (Commodities Checked) # of Packages Not Specified 1,365 1200 1200

*Based on workload FTE of 1.5 under New York State Parameters.